Smoke-Free Tool Kit
Smoke Free Festival Methods

- All events designated as “smoke-free”
- Designated smoking areas are permitted at your festival/events.
- Dedicated signage for the following:
- 1-800 Quit Now
- Smoke-Free Festival (including electronic nicotine devices); please smoke/vape in designated areas
- Designated Smoking Areas
- Partnership with local Tobacco Prevention Organization provided by Indy Pride, Inc.
- Social Media and Online Promotion of 1-800-Quit-Now, anti-tobacco news/advertisements
- Prohibit tobacco and electronic nicotine device (vaping) companies, businesses (including tobacco retail stores and vape shops), and advocates from sponsoring or participating as vendors at Pride events.

Media recognition
- When participating in radio, television, or online interviews, recognize that this festival is smoke-free, including e-cigarettes.
- Submit a press-release specific to making the festival tobacco free (see appendix)
Online and Social Media Promotion
- Provide online resources about tobacco prevention and cessation through the Pride organization’s website and social media. Add a section on Pride’s website to direct the LGBTQ+ community to resources to treat tobacco addiction as well as promote on social media.
- Sample language for all events (Facebook events, website, etc.) “Pride is teaming up with QUIT NOW INDIANA to encourage healthy lifestyles for all members of our community with all Pride events being tobacco-free. For support and resources to quit tobacco, visit them at or call 1-800-QUIT NOW.”
- Share current research, articles on tobacco cessation, trends in tobacco advertising toward the LGBTQ+ community, and relevant information to encourage healthy lifestyles.

Partnering with Tobacco Prevention organizations
- Connect with organizations who are partners of the Indiana Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Commission. A complete list can be found here:
- Build a working relationship with these organizations
- Provide space at events for these organizations to engage with Pride attendees (vendor booths, giveaways, speaking, etc.)
- Develop strategies to engage with Pride attendees and provide resources of cessation and prevention
- Educational Events
- Incentives for members
- Logo placement on items/signage