Become a Member
Indy Pride Membership is now free! Engage with a great cause.
- Support Indy Pride’s mission of providing events, education, and collaboration for LGBTQ+ people
- Influence the vision and mission of Indy Pride
- Become an active member on event and leadership committees
- Apply to join the Board of Directors (applications closed until mid 2024)
- Vote on representatives to join the Board of Directors
- Other opportunities outlined in the Bylaws (2020 update)
Indy Pride Board Applications are currently OPEN!
Are you passionate about advocating for the LGBTQ+ community in Indianapolis? Do you want to help shape the future of Pride events and initiatives in our city? We invite you to apply for a position on the Indy Pride Board of Directors! Application Window: October 16 – October 30
Indy Pride Membership
Indy Pride no longer requires an annual membership fee. However, you can donate to support the
organization at any time or when you sign up!