Become a Member


Indy Pride Membership is now free! Engage with a great cause.

  • Support Indy Pride’s mission of providing events, education, and collaboration for LGBTQ+ people
  • Influence the vision and mission of Indy Pride
  • Become an active member on event and leadership committees
  • Apply to join the Board of Directors (applications closed until mid 2024)
  • Vote on representatives to join the Board of Directors
  • Other opportunities outlined in the Bylaws (2020 update)


Indy Pride Board Applications are currently OPEN!

Are you passionate about advocating for the LGBTQ+ community in Indianapolis? Do you want to help shape the future of Pride events and initiatives in our city? We invite you to apply for a position on the Indy Pride Board of Directors! Application Window: October 16 – October 30

Board Member Nomination

Indy Pride Membership

Indy Pride no longer requires an annual membership fee. However, you can donate to support the
organization at any time or when you sign up!