This plan outlines actions to be taken in the case of an emergency. Indy Pride Staff and Volunteers should familiarize themselves with this plan. An emergency results from an incident that has the potential to disrupt the normal operations and activities of the event and have a significant impact on the safety of event attendees. This document is intended to establish protocols during these situations.

The Emergency Action Committee, herein referred to as EAC, shall be responsible for the implementation or coordination of the Emergency Action Plan. Indy Pride, Inc. President, Jenny Boyts, shall have sole discretion to discontinue or postpone the Event should members of the EAC give any conflicting direction.

2024 EAC Members include the following or their designees:

Jeff Kuhn: Festival Director, 317-997-6122

Ty Lambert: Safety & Security, 317-771-5352

Jenny Boyts: President of Indy Pride, Inc., 620-217-9360

Jay Castillo Jimenez : Vice President of Indy Pride, Inc.,

Camden Oslund: Event & Program Director of Indy Pride, Inc.

Members of the Staff and volunteers will immediately report any life-threatening emergency to 911.


Only authorized Indy Pride, Inc. spokespersons are to communicate with media and/or other forms of communications (social media, etc.). The following identifies the authorized spokesperson for Indy Pride 2022 Events:

Jenny Boyts, President of Indy Pride, Inc. – Primary Spokesperson

Camden Oslund, Event & Program Director – Secondary Spokesperson

Tina Robb,  Marketing Support –  Spokesperson (specifically social media)

The above may empower medical personnel, select public safety, or event staff to comment on any details they deem appropriate.

General Conduct during Emergency or Urgent Situations:

  • Do not make any comment to the media
  • Walk with purpose. Unless a personal safety measure, do not run
  • Remain calm at all times
  • Access the situation before taking action

Severe Weather Action Plan:

Event staff will monitor weather forecast in advance and a NOAA weather radio will be on hand and will be monitored by members of Indy Pride at events. The severe weather emergency plan will be activated by the EAC members if any of the following conditions arise:

General Thunderstorm Threats Including Lightening: Indy Pride will check the daily weather forecast to see if thunderstorms are in the forecast. Indy Pride will periodically scan the sky for signs of developing conditions.  If signs of developing conditions are seen, the Festival Director will notify all individuals via the PA system. If thunder is heard and/or lightening is seen, activities will be delayed immediately. All individuals will be instructed to move indoors or to their vehicles (See evacuation procedures). Additionally, the 30-30 Rule for Lightning Safety will be observed, if it takes less than 30 seconds to hear thunder, lightning is close enough to pose a threat. After storm ends, there will be a wait of 30 Minutes before resuming activities.

Strong Winds Conditions: Should wind conditions reach 25 mph, all portable tents will be evacuated, as they are not wind rated. Wind speeds will be determined by watches and warnings issued by the NOAA weather radio.

Tornado Watch/Warning: Outdoors activities will be postponed, and the event grounds evacuated. Weather conditions will be monitored using spotters and NOAA weather radios. Portable buildings will be evacuated, and attendees moved into safe areas. (see evacuation Procedures)

Lost person: 

In the event someone is lost, contact the Information Booth, where the Missing Person Process will take place. At the Information Booth:

  • Ask the person if who they are missing is lost or they can’t find them
  • When describing a child, include the child’s name, age, clothing description, and other identifying characteristics. If referring to the child’s race, say Caucasian, African-American, Asian, or Hispanic. If the child has some sort of physical or mental disability, please refer to them as a child with special needs.
  • If the missing person is not located within 10 minutes, an additional announcement will be made, every 10 minutes until the person is found

Threat of Violence:

We have a policy to treat all threats and rumors of violence as real. Attendees are encouraged to communicate if they feel they are in danger of bodily harm or consider a threat to be immediate to the nearest Security, volunteer, Staff, or call 911.

If any workplace safety or security hazards present themselves, individuals are also encouraged to notify Staff or Security.

In some threatening situations, the PA system may be used to give instructions to attendees to remain calm and to evacuate. (see evacuation procedures)

Active Shooter or Immediate Response Situational Procedures:

In the event of an active shooter or immediate response situation, below are a list of good practices.

  • Be aware of your environment, take note of any possible dangers and the nearest exits nearest your location
  • If you are in a secure space, stay there and maintain a safe location
  • If you are in a dangerous location, identify the nearest safe space, make your way there and assist anyone near you in a cautious manner
  • As a last resort, attempt to disarm the active shooter. When the shooter is at close range and you cannot flee, your chance of survival is much greater if you try to incapacitate him/her
  • Upon arrival of law enforcement remain calm, do not scream or yell and follow officers’ instructions. Put down any items in your hands, raise your hands, spread your fingers and avoid any quick movements
  • Information to provide law enforcement: location of shooter or suspect, weapons, number of suspects, physical description of suspects, number of spectators in harm’s way and possible number of victims

Medical Emergency:

In the event of a medical emergency:

  • Assess the situation
  • To speed response time, any request for medical needs should be directed to radio personnel
  • If you happen upon an injured person, call medical personnel and stay with the injured person. Attempt to prevent movement of the patient until medical personnel arrive. Do not comment on the incident or the person’s injuries unless information is requested by medical personnel as being necessary to the medical treatment of the injured individual
  • Speak slowly and clearly, do not yell. Give your name, location and your assessment of the situation.
  • If possible include whether victim is conscious, victim’s injuries, and victim’s name.
  • In event of serious injury or illness, security/staff will immediately call 911 and shall alert other event staff to assist in guiding emergency personnel.

Evacuation Procedures:

All staff/security will be notified via radio or cell phone. Any member in the affected areas should immediately begin notifying the general public and volunteers.

In the event of a necessary evacuation, attendees will be instructed to: Remain calm – do not panic and do not collect personal belongings before exiting, over the PA system. In the event of severe weather, individuals are encouraged to seek shelter in nearby buildings or their vehicles. Clear instructions will be given over PA system, working in tandem with event staff to safely direct attendees off event grounds and to shelters in an orderly manner.

The following locations will be designated as emergency shelter locations:

  • Exit to West: IUPUI Natatorium Parking Garage (West on Ohio)
  • Exit to Southwest: White River State Park Parking Garage (South on Blackford, across the canal to the IMAX/State Museum Parking Garage)
  • Exit to Southeast: State Parking Garage (NE of Victory Field, South on West St)
  • Exit to East: Government Parking Garage (Ohio and Senate)

Security/event staff will begin cutting zip tied fencing, starting at the centers between Enter/Exit points. Stage Managers (Family Stage, DJ Stage & Main Stage) will be instructed by Jeff Kuhn or Jenny Boyts via radio or cell phone to make the announcement for the Evacuation Process.

Managers on Duty will assist with sweeping Military Park, along with Event Staff, Emergency & Medical Personnel.

Security and Parking at Events

Law enforcement and security will be employed by Indy Pride to enforce parking restrictions set forth by the venue. Law enforcement will be empowered to remove vehicles which violate these restrictions.

Inclement Weather Scripts:


If there is a watch, those assigned to make announcements should say the following:

“As an alert to all participants and attendees, the National Weather Service has issued a watch which indicates conditions are favorable for severe weather to develop. Event officials are monitoring the weather closely and will notify you of any changes or warnings.”


If there is a warning those assigned to make announcements should say the following:’

“The National Weather Service has issued a warning which indicates severe weather is imminent. At this time the event has stopped. All attendees must now evacuate the park. Shelter locations are:

  • Exit to West: IUPUI Natatorium Parking Garage (West on Ohio)
  • Exit to Southwest: White River State Park Parking Garage (South on Blackford, across the canal to the IMAX/State Museum Parking Garage)
  • Exit to Southeast: State Parking Garage (NE of Victory Field, South on West St)
  • Exit to East: Government Parking Garage (Ohio and Senate)


If there is a need to evacuate Military Park, those assigned to make announcements should say the following:

Event officials are requiring you to evacuate the park due to high winds. Shelter locations are:

  • Exit to West: IUPUI Natatorium Parking Garage (West on Ohio)
  • Exit to Southwest: White River State Park Parking Garage (South on Blackford, across the canal to the IMAX/State Museum Parking Garage)
  • Exit to Southeast: State Parking Garage (NE of Victory Field, South on West St)
  • Exit to East: Government Parking Garage (Ohio and Senate)

Additional Buildings and Locations for Shelter 

Indiana Historical Society 450 W Ohio St, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Indiana State Museum 650 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204

NCAA Hall of Champions White River State Park, 700 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Eiteljorg Museum 500 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204