Indy Pride Responds to HSE School Board


As one of the largest LGBTQ+ organizations in Indiana, Indy Pride calls for the Hamilton Southeastern School Board to protect all students from bullying and harassment.

All students deserve to feel safe in their communities and their schools. The recent action of the school board which chooses to ignore the real problems of Trans students and does not facilitate or create a culture of safety and learning. Knowing that 3 in 4 Hoosier Trans Students will be harassed and bullied because of who they are, we find it unacceptable that the most vulnerable students would be left out of recent policies debated by the Hamilton Southeaster School Board (National Center for Trans Equality).

Indy Pride calls on the Hamilton Southeastern school board to establish clear guidelines to ensure the protection and safety of all students which include gender identity, transgender students, and those who are gender nonconforming.

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