8 Steps to Running the First-Ever Virtual Rainbow 5K

By Indy Pride Board Member Jen Cooper
Why a Virtual 5K?
Looking for a COVID-19 friendly activity that will get you out of the house AND allow you to show your pride? Why not run or walk the Virtual Rainbow 5K?
While we are sad that the COVID-19 pandemic is preventing us from gathering together in person for the Rainbow 5K this year, IndyPride is excited to launch our first virtual 5K. This family-friendly event will enable participants to run or walk their 5K anywhere and at any time
throughout the month of October. Along with the flexibility it allows, a virtual 5K will also ensure that we all stay safe and healthy during this unique and trying time.
Because virtual 5Ks are a new concept for most of us, we’ve put together this guide to walk (or run) you through it and help you get the most out of this virtual event.
1. Register
To participate in this event you must register. Registration secures your spot, guarantees you’ll get a medal and t-shirt (if you want one); plus motivates you to participate. You already paid so you might as well participate!
Registration is super easy. Just complete the online registration form available here.
? Registration is open now and closes on October 31st. Remember, you have to register by September 20th to receive a t-shirt.
Don’t delay, get signed up today!
2. Find your friends
Running is more fun in a group so get your family and friends to register for the race so you can all run it “together” whether that’s individually on the same day and time, encouraging each other on social media, or as a group. If you do decide to run with a few family and friends, make sure to still take safety precautions and practice social distancing by staying 6 feet apart.
3. Show your pride
One of the most fun parts of walking/running a race is choosing your outfit. Make sure to choose something that’s both comfortable and shows your pride. ? The more rainbows the better!
4. Pick your route
The great thing about a virtual race is that you can do it anywhere at any time. Choose a route that you like to walk or run. Or even go the distance on your treadmill at home.
5. Run your race – on your time
Race day is on any day and any time that you choose! For some the crack of dawn start times of traditional races are a major obstacle to signing up (or showing up) for an event. Not a morning person? No problem – run your race after school/work on a weekend afternoon.
Pick a day between October 1 and October 31 to be able to submit your results and secure your finisher medal.
6. Photos or it didn’t happen
? Post photos of you and your friends in your pride/race gear and post on social media.
Make sure to tag @indypride on social media and use #RainbowRunner2020 and #Rainbow5k2020.
Follow IndyPride on Facebook and Instagram.
7. Share your results
How did you do on your 5K compared to the other Rainbow Run participants? ✍️ Enter your time to record your participation and compare your results on the Rainbow 5K Registration site.
8. Pick up your medal!
Show off your accomplishment and have a memento of the event by displaying your commemorative medal at your home or office.
Indy Pride will be hosting ? 5K medal pick-ups on October 18th, 2020 and November 1st, 2020 at the Indy Pride Office Parking Lot (3733 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46208) from 1 – 3 p.m.
Medals will also be available for pick-up at Baby’s Indy (2147 N Talbott St, Indianapolis, IN 46202) and Metro Nightclub & Restaurant (707 Massachusetts Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46204) throughout the month of October. Stop in to pick up your medal and stay for some eats and beverages.
Ready to Race?
Now that you’re ready to run your first virtual Rainbow 5K, make sure to sign up today!
Find more information and the registration form here.